Monday 22 September 2014


When we walk through loss, suffering and pain, it is not easy to sing out loud. It is not facile to have our hopes lifted high. The intensity of pain blots out any promise and hope of restoration. Our hopes get dried up and our songs too. How can we sing to the Lord in the wilderness?! How indeed!!
Suffering and loss change our mentality. At times, we will not be able to even stand up.
The Bible talks about two people who were in severe persecution- Paul and Silas.They were servants of the Most high God. They were chained to heavy blocks of wood, beaten badly and put in jail. But nobody could rob their hopes or their songs. They were praying and singing praises to God while other prisoners listened.
Anyone can sing in seasons of happiness and great blessings, but only those who know who their God is will be able to sing in pain and suffering.
My dear friend, did you lose your song and hope?! Do you miss people lost through death? Your sorrow will melt into joy.Let God's word bring hope! :) There is season of glory for children who trust in the Lord. God is able to heal any broken situation.
Can anything separate us from the love of Christ? Can trouble, suffering, and hard times, or danger and death? (Romans 8:35).
We are more than conquerors because of Christ who loves us.
Return to your fortress, you prisoners of hope; even now I announce that I will restore twice as much to you.(Zechariah 9:12).
When things get difficult it is easy to give up. It is easy to lose your hope. But that is not what God is expecting out of us. He wants us to be prisoners of hope! Break the chains of fear, doubt and worry and be chained to HOPE!
The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit, a broken and a contrite heart- these, O God, You will not despise.(Psalm 51:17).
The Lord will help you to pass through any situation safely. Trust in His word! He will put a new song in your mouth. Sing unto the Lord. He is real and you can trust Him. Though questions fog up your mind, believe Him. In brokeness you can see that this was His will for you. His hand will guide you every day.
Sing when troubles chase you;
Sing like never before;
Sing even in pain;
Sing even when it hurts;
Sing because you know who your God is;
Sing because He understands;
You are not alone. Your FATHER walks with you!
Even though the path is broken,
Your journey is to the GLORY road!
~Blessed Christian

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