Wednesday 10 September 2014


Prayer fuels mission and propels it forward. Prayer is as the tip of arrow that pierces and opens the way for God's presence and His purposes to penetrate in to your life. 
Prayer is referred as the spiritual breathing of Christians. If you are a christian and if you don't have time to pray, then you can call yourself as a spiritually dead person. I am sorry for being so harsh but i am trying to put the idea that PRAYER TIME is very important for a God's child. You can face the world better if you find time to get on your knees. 
when You start giving time to Jesus, You will find changes in Your life. Nobody will be able to separate You from His love. Nobody can stop the blessings God has planned for you. You will be an OVERCOMER!!
The Bible says,
The prayer of the righteous man is powerful and effective.(James 5:16)
The above verse explains the necessity of a person to be righteous to get his prayers answered. You need to be acceptable(Holy) to see miracles in your life.
"Make yourselves acceptable to worship the Lord, because He is going to do some amazing things for us".(Joshua 3:5)
Before we make our own decisions on important issues of life, we need to get on our knees before God and find out what God wants us to do and then proceed accordingly.
"CONTINUE earnestly in prayer, being vigilant in it with thanksgiving".(Colossians 4:2).
Thanksgiving and prayer go hand in hand. Its necessary to obtain God's mercy everyday. Its important to be grateful for what God has done for us every second. 
Words cannot express my appreciation for sending His son to die on the cross for me. And not only did He make a way for me to receive forgiveness of my sins but also to have my friendship with Him. And through prayer, my relationship and friendship with My God gets more intimate. I am singled out by my creator!! Amen!

Prayer is the best way of establishing communication with Your creator.
~Blessed Christian.

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