Tuesday 9 September 2014


But You have seen, for You observe trouble and grief, to repay it by Your hand. The helpless commits himself to you; You are the helper of the fatherless.(psalm 10:14)
Nothing that is happening to you is a surprise to God. He knows what you are into today and where you are going. He never forgets You and your situation. He is a God who never sleeps nor slumbers. He never forgets the humble. He knows because He knows the way of the righteous. You don't have to lament saying, "My ways are hidden from God". Nah!!
There is an incident in the Bible where the people of Israel were facing an impossible situation(crossing the Red sea). God told them, " Hold your peace, remain at rest and I will fight your battles".
The Lord will fight for you, and you shall hold your peace and remain at rest.(exodus 14:14).
It is the same for us today. If thoughts of fear, worry or anxiety are trying to steal your peace, listen to the God's command this very second - Hold your peace.
If you will just stay in peace, the creator of the universe, the most high God will go to work on your behalf. The almighty God will be your helper.
Nothing can stand against our God. He has all power. He stopped the sun for Joshua. He worked for Ruth. He closed the mouths of the lions for Daniel. He divided the Red sea and made a way. He helped Esther who was an orphan but was lifted up as a Queen. He lifted Joesph who was sold as a slave, put into a pit but he was lifted up and was made the governor over Egypt eventhough people accused him falsely. He made David a king, who was looking after sheep. He is the same and never changes!
The Lord will be your sheild. He never hides His face from those who seek Him truly. Be firm in your faith. The Lord who is with you and me is BIG!!
Happy are you, O Israel! Who is like you, a people saved by the Lord, the sheild of your help and the sword of your majesty!(Dueteronomy 33:29).
If you are saved by the Lord, say boldly along with me,"The Lord is my helper; I will not fear. What can man do to me?" ( Hebrew 13:6).
Commit yourself to Him and humbly say to Him as Mary said, "Be it unto me according toYour word".
The Lord goes before you and makes all the crooked places straight ( Isaiah 45:2).
The one who called you will never leave you until He fulfils His promises in your life. Humble yourself and continue doing what is right. He will make your righteousness go forth as brightness and your salvation as a lamp that burns. Yes! He will not rest or hold His peace for YOUR sake. 
Be happy, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness.The Lord is with you as a dread warrior(Jeremiah 20:11). He will be your HELPER!! Hold on to His promises. Amen!
~Blessed Christian.

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