Wednesday 3 September 2014


Some days we go through hard times and we cannot determine things happening. We have a tough time figuring out what to do in certain situations. Paths aren't clear always, are they?!
You are my God. Show me what You want me to do, and let Your gentle spirit lead me in the right path.
(Psalm 143:10)
When you donot know the way to move forward and when you struggle to make decisions, remember this verse. Ask God to lead you and ask Him to light your way. It is His gentle spirit who will lead us.
When you seek God's direction for your life, be prepared for His gentle spirit. Make yourself holy to hear His voice. The Holy spirit will not compete with the noise and bustle that comes when we try to chart our own course.
When you ask for God's leading, stop your own frenzy and quiet yourself so that you may hear His gentle spirit. Find rest in His presence. It is in the shadow of His presence we find purpose!
Commit your ways to the Lord (psalm 37:5) and He will direct your paths.(proverbs 3:6).
Seek Him diligently! Delight in Him alone and you will be able to hear a word behind you saying, "THIS IS THE WAY, WALK IN IT". (Isaiah 30:21).
God will always honor you if you ask for His desires to happen in your life.
There is nothing better than God's best, isn't it? Prepare yourself to recieve His best! You are Blessed! Yeah!!
~Blessed Christian.

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