Monday 1 September 2014


When we greatly miss someone,their love, their care, their friendship, their presence, their guidance, their comfort and lot of things that we are supposed to get from them, who have gone ahead of us to heaven to be with God, what can give us or replace their love, what can bring us hope?!!
Here is the answer that completely provides an undeniable explanation to all those questions that fogged up my mind lately. I found it in the Bible.
Now let me tell you the answer.
We have a champion(JESUS) in heaven and He is the one who conquered death. Therefore because He lives, we have a certainty that our dear ones are also living with Him. One day there will be a celebration unlike any before. We will be reunited with the ones whom we love when Christ brings them from heaven. (you may refer 1thessalonians 4: 13-18)
I am not a martyr of hopless. My God is the LIVING God. He reminds me continually that I am His child and He will never leave me alone. In joy and sadness, in life and death- He is closer than anyone from whom i can expect everlasting, untiring love. OMG!!! how wonderful it is to experience the love of JESUS. He is the everlasting HOPE of my life forever! Amen!!
~Blessed Christian.

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