Saturday 25 October 2014


"Once in a kingdom, there lived a king. The king had a beautiful little daughter. She loved wearing her little golden shiny crown which had sparkling stones of white and red. She had everything she wanted. She had frocks of red, blue, pink and white with cute ribbons on it and Golden shoes decorated with silver strings. The king loved His precious little daughter more than anything that he was ready to lose His kingdom for her. But the little princess was not really know why?!........." ha!.....what do i see?! Hmm...eager lil childlike faces reading their bedtime story....! I am not going to tell you the story now! But i need to tell you something that is really really important!!!
Everyone loves stories! whether its being read or heard!! I love to hear them, even if i have heard it 100 times before. I have read and heard a number of fairy tales. I remember fighting for the books in the school library. Lol! Hahah!....We wer adorable lil ones dressed in cute maroon pinafore!! Every little girl would have dreamt of becoming a princess! you know, with a shiny golden tiara, a beautiful sparkling long gown and a fantancy creature, may be a unicorn or a magic horse or a lil fairy!! I thought as a kid that becoming a princess or a fairy is kind of a miracle, a supernatural thing and i was convinced that it cannot happen in real life.
But one day, Christ, the miracle worker, the supernatural power found me, when i was a young ambitious teenager! He saved me through His priceless-sinless-precious-Holy blood and told me that i am His daughter!! And because i know that i am the daughter of the King of Kings, i am a PRINCESS FOR REAL and i don't need a crown or a royal robe to show or prove! :D Yeah!! I am the beloved daughter of the Most High King Lord Jesus!!! The apple of His eye!!
Jesus loves everybody! Yes! He loves you too, even if it is hard for you to believe! He shows no partiality. He doesn't have any favorites. He loves each and everyone with the same unfailing love!! The blood that was shed on that cross was for everybody. Oh! Taste and see the love of the everlasting Father!! He is calling you with His wide-opened arms, ready to comfort you with His embrace and to bless you and to pour His Grace and goodness on you beyond your imagination!! Yes! YOU!!
Our God took the crown of thorns so that we should wear a golden crown with pearls and gems on it. His garments were taken so that we should wear a spotless holy white robe when we go to Him. He walked carrying the cross so that we should walk in the golden streets of heaven. He was given a sour drink so that we should drink the living water. He heard all the spiteful talk so that we should not be hurted by any spiteful tongue. He took all the shame so that we should boldly enter His gates with our heads lifted high. He bore all the pain so that we should never feel pain. He suffered because He loves us so much and He cannot watch us suffer. His sweat was shed as blood because He never wants to see us with tears even at times when we can't stop them rolling down and He wants to give us the everlasting happiness. He took all the wounds for us to be healed. He stood in between the thieves for our souls to stand secured. He was nailed at calvary so that we should be free!! The only JUST God was made sinful for us to be called 'righteous'. He died in our place so that we should LIVE eternally!! He paid everything on that cross!!! Telelestai! PAID IN FULL INDEED!!
Even today, the Living God, who rose up from death and won victory over it, the ALPHA and the OMEGA, wants you to realize who you are!! The king of kings is ready to adopt you and call you and treat you and bless you as His dearest princess!! But are you ready to go to Him and give your life?! Think about it!
Continuing in the royal position as a princess is not always easy. Sometimes we may have to go through circumstances that make us think we are not, even if we are people with extra-ordinary faith. But i tell you that its because of those situations of pain, loss, suffering, shame and failure, we find 'the real princess' in us! Be happy for all those hard times and don't dare to leave God and try things on your own. He will never leave you. If He brought you to it then He will bring you through it. Remember, valleys take us to the next peak. 'Wilderness' experiences, lead us to the land of milk and honey. People around you will know that the Spirit of the Most High God dwells in you, when you really walk with Christ! His light will shine forth to reveal His glory!! You shall lack nothing as you declare with all your heart that you are the daughter of the king of kings. Always have a heart of gratitude, giving thanks in everything, even when things don't happen our way. GOD'S AGENDA is not our agenda!! His wisdom is unsearchable and He knows what He is doing even if we don't understand His ways. Altogether for good!
We have to understand that we have been called to live a royal life in Christ, right from the time we received the spirit of adoption to call God as our Father, the very second we decided to follow Jesus. The enemy knows that we were created for royal greatness and tries continually to keep us from understanding it and puts us into situations were its hard to beleive that God is with us.  Success as a princess depends on the life we lead carrying the name of Jesus and fulfilling the desires of Our King, doing His will and remaining as a witness to the end of the earth receiving His Holy spirit, abandoning the sparkly and shiny things that demand our attention. Always remember, who we are in Christ and who Christ is in us!! Follow Him and trust Him in anything and everything! Work to seek the unseen kingdom and His righteouness to be a crown of glory and a royal diadem in the hands of the Lord. Make use of the oppurtunities. Jesus loves you!! Be the real Princess!! GBU! To God, all the glory!! Amen.
~Blessed Christian.
P.S : Sorry for the incomplete story in the beginning. That was a self-made-up story...hehe....The rest of the story is left for your 'make-up'. Lol!! :D :D

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