Wednesday 26 November 2014


There was a man in a certain town. He was a pious worshipper of God and meditated on God's word all the time. Everytime he wanted something he would pray fervently, then write his prayer in a piece of paper, put them in a bag and would never think about it again. The bag had a label that said 'All done by Jesus' written on it. God answered him as soon as he finished praying, looking at the faith he had. One day as he prayed for a certain request, wrote his supplication in a paper and did as he would do usually. But he didnot recieve a reply from God like before. He felt forsaken. He was disappointed and his faith went shaky. He waited and waited for the answer from God with a flickering faith. At one point of time, he went weary and he took that paper out of the bag and started to cry looking at it. He prayed again but was not ready to put that paper back into the bag and leave the thing to God as he doubted.
Dear reader, let us ask ourselves this question.
"How many times do we take things in our own hands rather than giving and leaving the matter to God when he tarries to answer?!"
We think we are too brainy that we take things in our hands and fail to listen to God's voice which says "My dear child, I am in control, I will take care!". No! We ought to believe God's word and be  fully convinced by what He says and not by what the situation or the people around us say!! Trust and faith in God includes faith in His timing!! Yea, if you believe God and His word then you must continue to have that confidence till the end, until God answers. It may seem to take much time for its fullfillment but why should you be bothered about the time for you know that your God will never lie.
"For all the promises of God in Him are yes and in Him Amen(so be it), to the glory of God through us". (2 Corinthians 1: 20)
God tarries to answer because He wants to reveal His glory. He wants to give you the best! So all you have to do is wait on the Lord till the appointed time, the perfect timing of God. You will never be ashamed!! Yes for sure!
"Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord and whose hope is the Lord". (Jeremiah 17: 7)
You may be expecting an answer for your sickness, job, career, education, loss or injustice. All you have to do is wait and see God working on your behalf! Cast everything that trouble you on the Lord Jesus Christ who cares for you!
"Cast your burden on the Lord and He shall sustain you; He shall never permit the righteous to be moved". (Psalm 55: 22)
When you end up at something wearied and realize you can do nothing about it, all you have to do is simply hold your peace and say to yourself, "This is something which my God is gonna handle. The battle is going to be His and i am gonna just lean back and rest -fully convinced on what He has promised, as i know that the unwearied God of mine will always win!!" Obviously, you will win too!! 
Being helpless is Good because that is when God can come in and help you!!
You have to just sit back and watch the show!! You don't have to go to the back of the stage and see how everything is done. Your ways are not His ways. Your thoughts are not His thoughts.
"For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways," says the Lord. "For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts". (Isaiah 55: 8,9)
All you have to do is blindly trust God clinging to His promises. Ask Jesus to increase your faith. Trust in His mercies! Find rest in Him alone saying everthing is done! GBU!! :) :)

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