Monday 6 October 2014


Nowadays, people who call themselves as christians hardly read the Bible. The christian world today is in a pitiable situation without knowing to discriminate the right and the wrong, the evil and the good as they fail to read the scripture. We see people with more 'fashion' and less 'passion'. Just because the country is getting westernized, we cannot take it for granted that everything that the world provides in the name of 'christianity' is Holy. THE THINGS THAT THE BIBLE CALLS AS SIN IS 'SIN'.
There is a great need for the spread of gospel and on the other hand a spiritual spanking is required. The scene that is created in the name of 'worship concerts' is pathetic. Its heartbreaking to know that the ONE who needs to be focussed and exalted is FORGOTTEN and its more pathetic when these people call themselves as 'God freaks'. 
We cannot keep playing in the fire guys!! The result is going to be miserable unless or until we walk according to God's word. There is mercy if we turn from our evil ways and sanctify ourselves allowing God to work in our lives. The Lord is compassionate and merciful(James 5:11) but most of us forget at times that He is the also called as the 'CONSUMING FIRE'.( Hebrews 12:29).
Worship is praising God with all our hearts, presenting ourselves as a living sacrifice before the Lord, laying our lives before Him and honoring the God who died for us, thanking Him for everything not just by lips but with FULL heart. Worship should be acceptable with reverence and godly fear.(Hebrews 12:28).
Certainly i say, we will be able feel GOD'S presence abundantly in this kind of worship and we will be filled with the HOLY SPIRIT. Worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness!!! (Psalm 29:2).The actions of a worshipper should come from a his/her dedicated heart.
Eardrum-breaking loud screeching music or eye-spoiling fancy lights or leg-fracturing dance are not compulsorily needed to worship the Lord!!! Nothing is wrong with the music or the lights or the dance. But worship can never become a performance.The problem arises ONLY when all those things become the focus and identity of a worship concert. The question is why do 'worship concerts' become 'rock concerts'?! I mean, why should they?!!
On the other hand, it's important to explore the lyrics before we listen to any 'so-called' christian music. It is important to cross check the lyrics and the person who sings it with the scripture before we listen to them.
If we spend more time in reading the Bible and understanding the scripture, then God will help us to differentiate the evil and the good. We will be able to say 'Hey! this thing is not of God!!', when His words abide in us.
Let us make one thing clear. We cannot follow the world and Jesus. We can never serve two masters.(Mathew 6:24). Let us be followers of people who truly follow CHRIST. Let followers of Christ be our inspiration, imitating Jesus in our ways. Jesus will help us to lead a Holy life! Yea!! If we choose to follow Jesus then there is no turning back!
I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service. And donot be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.(Romans 12:1,2).
The Bible says its impossible to see God without Holiness( Hebrews 12:14). We will never be able to enjoy the eternal life, without living according to His will!!
"Not everyone who say to me, 'Lord, Lord', shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My father in heaven".(Mathew 7:21).
By no means I am trying to prove that i am extra Holy. I am not judging either. But i have Christ in me who is authoritative in His teachings and judging is His business!!
~Blessed Christian.

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