Monday 18 August 2014


The Holy Bible is full of promises God has made. God has promised that nothing can seperate us from His love. There are hundreds more in it.
Since i love talking about Faith, i presented a few points in a nut shell from GALATIANS, a book in the Bible.
Here i go....
◆ Faith is the only way for one's salvation. And i have recieved the God's promise by FAITH. And i have got no doubt about what my own faith means to me!
◆ Never try to please people. If you are doing that, you can never be a servant of God. Please God!!
◆ Let your message directly come from God. Never seek for intermediaters!
◆ Even before you were born, God has chosen you. Your future is prefectly planned!!
◆ Your work in the past and future would not be for nothing.
◆ I live in the faith of the one who loved me and gave His life for me. Undeserved kindness!!
◆ Faith along with obeying His law is the only way to please God.
◆ You are God's people and you will be given what He has promised.
◆ A little yeast can change the whole batch of dough.
◆ If you are guided by the God, you won't obey your selfish desires.
◆ Don't be conceited or make others jealous by claiming to be better than they are.
◆ If you think you are better than others, you are wrong. Do your own work well and then you will have something to be proud of. Don't compare yourselves with others and carry your own load.
◆ All that matters is whether you are a new person or not!!
~Blessed Christian.

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