Thursday 28 August 2014


I will praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; marvelous are your works and that my soul knows very well.
Psalm 139:14.
Everyone in this world is created in God's image. I am created in God's image! Each one is brought to this world with a purpose.
I am highly inspired by the word " fearfully" in this verse. Think! What would be fearfully made? Something that is precious, valuable, important and highly useful.
Here, it is 'YOU' who is fearfully made...which means You are someone who is really precious, valuable, important and highly useful!! You are put in this world with a purpose. You were not created by an accident because God doesn't make junk.
The Lord was very cautious in creating you with a purpose. People keep running after someone who would predict their future. They lose the idea of who their creator is in finding who they are! Remember! Everyone is created with a perfect plan as he/she is fearfully made by the hands of the almighty.
I am fearfully made by the Living God!! My soul knows it with no doubt. Does your soul know it?! If not, let it know today.
~Blessed Christian.

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