Sunday, 31 August 2014


Imagine the life in the desert. Think how it would be, if you are all alone in the wilderness with the sand and the hot sun as your companions. Everywhere you look its the same and there is no hope for you to find the way.
In the midst of the life that seems to be a desert, are you able to visualize a road, when you don't even find a footprint?! Will you be able to stretch your faith to this extent? If you can see the roadway in the wilderness with your eyes of faith, then God is ready to make it for real!
When you come across situations of emptiness and hopelessness, don't let your faith go.
Trust Jesus with all your heart. Trust Him even if it doesn't make sense. No matter how empty your life is, no matter what people tell you, God is not finished with you yet.
God works all things for good for them who love Him. He takes the good and the bad and makes something beautiful come out of it.
If my God can make a roadway in the wilderness, I am sure God can answer your problems that you are facing in your life. All that God asks you is to 'believe' to see His glory. Just put your faith in Him and He will work on your behalf.
Keep believing! My God will never let you down!
~Blessed Christian.

Thursday, 28 August 2014


I will praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; marvelous are your works and that my soul knows very well.
Psalm 139:14.
Everyone in this world is created in God's image. I am created in God's image! Each one is brought to this world with a purpose.
I am highly inspired by the word " fearfully" in this verse. Think! What would be fearfully made? Something that is precious, valuable, important and highly useful.
Here, it is 'YOU' who is fearfully made...which means You are someone who is really precious, valuable, important and highly useful!! You are put in this world with a purpose. You were not created by an accident because God doesn't make junk.
The Lord was very cautious in creating you with a purpose. People keep running after someone who would predict their future. They lose the idea of who their creator is in finding who they are! Remember! Everyone is created with a perfect plan as he/she is fearfully made by the hands of the almighty.
I am fearfully made by the Living God!! My soul knows it with no doubt. Does your soul know it?! If not, let it know today.
~Blessed Christian.

Tuesday, 19 August 2014


I am always fascinated by the word 'Blessed', as i have been hearing it from my childhood. But am i hearing it in the right way?
Blessed with family,
Blessed with beauty,
Blessed with riches,
Blessed with talents and skills,
Blessed with education and many more! All i heard was this!!
But are they ought to be called as real blessings?! Then what does 'blessed' really mean?!
Only a child of God truly knows what it it is to be blessed. Being blessed is to be happy and to lead a self-contained life all the time. But is it possible to be happy and satisfied all the time?! If not, then where do we find real everlasting happiness?!! Is there any such thing?
Yes! There is. True happiness can be experienced only when you make God, the Creator as your dwelling place. We have to get to the end of ourselves and pave way for God in our lives to be really blessed. And this can happen only when we are ready to transform our lives and allow Holy spirit to dwell in our lives.
Even when the world calls you unlucky, you can call yourself blessed, if you know who your God is and if you have an intimate friendship with Him. You will understand that the happiness the world gives you, may be your ambition or passion or dream or achievements, is fake and temporary when you find the Way to Real happiness. You may sometimes fail in accomplishing your goals in the world but you will be called as 'The BLESSED of the Lord' when you walk with God and meditate on His word day and night.
Which is better? To be called 'lucky(fake)' or 'Truly Blessed'?
If you have Jesus in your life then why don't you call yourself happily as Blessed?! Blessed beyond measures!!
Oh! Yeah.
I am not lucky, I am BLESSED!!
Lord! Your GRACE is enough!!
~Blessed Christian.

Monday, 18 August 2014


The Holy Bible is full of promises God has made. God has promised that nothing can seperate us from His love. There are hundreds more in it.
Since i love talking about Faith, i presented a few points in a nut shell from GALATIANS, a book in the Bible.
Here i go....
◆ Faith is the only way for one's salvation. And i have recieved the God's promise by FAITH. And i have got no doubt about what my own faith means to me!
◆ Never try to please people. If you are doing that, you can never be a servant of God. Please God!!
◆ Let your message directly come from God. Never seek for intermediaters!
◆ Even before you were born, God has chosen you. Your future is prefectly planned!!
◆ Your work in the past and future would not be for nothing.
◆ I live in the faith of the one who loved me and gave His life for me. Undeserved kindness!!
◆ Faith along with obeying His law is the only way to please God.
◆ You are God's people and you will be given what He has promised.
◆ A little yeast can change the whole batch of dough.
◆ If you are guided by the God, you won't obey your selfish desires.
◆ Don't be conceited or make others jealous by claiming to be better than they are.
◆ If you think you are better than others, you are wrong. Do your own work well and then you will have something to be proud of. Don't compare yourselves with others and carry your own load.
◆ All that matters is whether you are a new person or not!!
~Blessed Christian.


Apple is a lovely fruit, isn't it? It comes into existence only from a seed which is negligible when compared with the fruit. But without that seed there is no chance for the apple to be formed. Agree?! Similarly small beginnings are highly essential for great endings.
When you are a seed, people will be all around mocking at you. They consider you insignificant. Don't let your hopes down! Time will come when you grow up to be a beautiful fruit!!
Most of the people in this world dream of becoming BIG in one step. They desire to have everything at once. It's human nature to have such dreams and desires. It is important for everyone who think of becoming great to accept the seed initially. Life is all about accepting things.
Even after accepting your small beginning your journey doesn't end there. As time passes, the seed swells and with full strength pushes the ground and rises up. It undergoes perilous times to guard itself until it becomes a strong big tree.
It is same with our lives. You gotta push forward trampling down all the barriers with full strength and faith until you establish yourself. Dont stop yourself at where you are. Make your failures the last chapter of your book. Victories on the way!! :) :)
Small beginnings could be your life changing milestones!
~Blessed Christian.


Being still is often wrongly understood by many of them. Being still doesn't mean doing nothing. I have heard people say, "God has asked me to be still for things to happen". I appreciate their faith in God, but its sad that they have not percieved the actual meaning of being still.
Being still and doing nothing are two different things. When God asks you to be still, He doesn't ask you to sit idle and wait for doors to open, but He wants us to work with trust and obedience to understand His plan. He wants us to understand who He is (psalm 46:10).
There are certain things in life which are out of our control. We are not given authority to plan or decide specific things. But you can ask God to reveal things that seem to be a mystery. He will certainly answer you as He says in jeremiah 33:3. It needs a lot of faith and patience to understand them.
When you are troubled by mysteries in your life, think of God's promises and His great love. Ask to yourself "is anything too hard for the Lord?".....No. Absolutely nothing. You have to stretch your faith. Remember!! if God desires to reveal His glory in YOU, He works in ways you cannot see(mystery). God allows mysteries in your life so that He can reveal His glory. So don't lose heart. God is working behind the scenes of your life. Expect for surprises from God in your lives!! Stay Blessed! 
Resting (being still) isnt passive laziness its active trusting!
~Blessed Christian.